Marc Bloom has over twenty years of experience assisting children and their families with challenges of living. He has experience working in a number of professional settings which have all informed his expertise and understanding. These include schools, mental health and the community.
Marc’s approach is one which focuses more on what is right than what is wrong. He endeavours as much as possible to assist his clients in taking ownership of their lives and finding their own solutions to their difficulties.
His practice is grounded in a strong interest in Existential-Phenomenological thinking. Interventions range from short to longer-term, depending on the specific needs of his clients.
For Marc, the therapeutic relationship which he has with his clients is paramount to his practice and informs everything he does. Marc has always valued the work he does with his adult clients as well as the children he sees. He firmly believes that we are all children in the school of life.
Phone Marc on 0420 407 659 to make an appointment.